Proposal Photographer at Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat Photographer Proposal

Being the photographer for a surprise proposal at Angkor Wat can be nerve racking, but it was also one of the most rewarding photoshoots I’ve ever done.

You can see the video that was filmed of this proposal at Angkor Wat here

When I receive a booking for a proposal at Angkor Wat, I like to arrange everything as early as possible and make sure me and my client are on the same page. To this day, each proposal has gone smoothly and we’ve gotten great images from the special day.

When Leav contacted me for this proposal photoshoot we arranged to have it at Angkor Wat early in the morning, just after sunrise so that the main crowds had dispersed and entered the temple, leaving the main area where I like to shoot available for us.

I had met up with Leav’s cousin before hand, as he was going to meet them at Angkor Wat so that he could film them as they visited the temple. The excuse for this was that it was also Leav’s birthday and as they are online influencers, they were frequently filmed by him for Tik Tok content so why not get some video of them visiting Angkor Wat on his birthday.

We worked out some secret signals to do with me maneuvering my hat left, right and backwards to signal that they should move left or right, and to confirm that the shot was clear of other people and Leav could go ahead and propose. When I turned my hat backwards confirming that I was giving the all clear, he popped the question, and she said…. YES!

It was a great experience and everything went smoothly! You can see the video that Leav’s cousin filmed here.


Proposal Photographer in Siem Reap


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